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First Snow This Year in Hefei

Yellow Mountain gave me great satisfaction, but I needed to keep moving towards the north, and I happened to notice that there was a few discounted flight tickets from Hefei (合肥) to Dalian (大连), so I bought my ticket and made a stay in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province, home to a famous minister, Hongzhang Li (李鸿章) from Qing Dynasty. And as a southerner, few chance to see any snow, in Hefei, I had my first heavy snow encounter since I was little.


At the high speed train station in Yellow Mountain, ready to go to Hefei. Recent years, the development of China's high speed railway networks gives great convenience to anyone.

The temperature was very low in Hefei compare to Yellow Mountain, and the rain continued, I wondered if I brought the rain with me...

Some well trimmed trees lined along both sides of the streets at downtown area of Hefei.

Scooters and mopeds were still allowed to run in Hefei, while they were long banned in Guangzhou (广州) and Shenzhen (深圳).

Street view of Hefei, like any other big cities in China.


Paid a visit to the old house of Hongzhang Li at downtown area, the little black house with a tiled roof on the right. It didn't go very along with the surrounding buildings. I spotted it right away when I was entering the area.

The front door of the old house.

The side door of the old house.

It was like a little museum in the the old house, very educational. Would be a great place to visit if you like that period of history.


On the way back to my hotel, it started snowing, to be honest, I was so excited to see the snow, like I said, I didn't get to see very much snow growing up. But what I didn't quite understand was why the locals were excited, too? Later that night, I figured no matter whether you were in a snow region or not, people are always excited to see the first snow of that year, let alone someone like me. Funny how the snow continued after I reached Dalian, the first city I visited in northeastern part of China, for sure, that part of China is notorious for being cold in the winter and things were a bit different there, more places and stories are on the way, please stay tuned, thanks for reading :)

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