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Teardrops from Heaven, Jiuzhaigou Park Day 2

Before coming to Jiuzhaigou, I heard so many great things about it, like "you never want to tour anywhere else after you have seen Jiuzhaigou", "the places that has the most beautiful waters in the world" etc...Sure my friend and I, we did get to see part of Jiuzhaigou on Day 1, but the real Jiuzhaigou adventure started actually on Day 2. We covered section D, C and a little bit B that we didn't see on our first day.


We hopped on one of the park buses and went all the way down to the end of section D where we started day 2 touring. To our surprises, there were so many lakes in the park, every time we drove by a lake, the crowds in the bus went "WOW". The local people call the lakes in Jiuzhaigou "Seas", So don't be surprised when you see a sign by a lake that goes like "Panda Sea".

The best season to tour Jiuzhaigou might be the fall when all the leaves on the trees up in the mountains have changed color, this will add more beauty to the landscape in Jiuzhaigou. The tourism high season starts from March and ends in November, when it's the low season, you only have to pay half entrance admission and you won't get to see many tourists, which is great. I think the only downside is that you don't get to see much of a picture with colorful trees as the background because many leaves have gone during the low season.

The color of the water in the lake changes as it goes deeper.


I don't know for how long those wood trunks have been sitting at the bottom of the lakes. They all looked very solid, like rocks.


Landscape under water.


Waterfalls in the park.


It was a bit late when we got on another park bus which took us to Section C and we were the last wave of tourists so we didn't have much time left before sundown. The park keeper told us to hurry up a little bit for no one could be left behind. Also, the buses were running out, it could be very dangerous if left behind because the park was wild and the weather was cold. The park staffs had to make sure everyone was out by the time they closed the park.

Picnic by one of the lakes in the park with my friend Ramon.


Great trip to Jiuzhaigou, had 2 awesome days in the park. The next morning, seen beautiful morning sunlight on those big mountains in western Sicuan/Tibetan area. Jiuzhaigou, is absolutely highly recommended for anyone that has enough time to visit when touring China.

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